Email is a fundamental form of communication for any internet or network connected users. MailCentro provides a feature-rich, reliable and secure solution for email service problems. Here are some common client concerns and questions that MailCentro has addressed:
How can MailCentro help us with consumer marketing? A free email account for your site visitors is an effective marketing tool. It builds your brand, creates site traffic, creates a qualified prospect list and provides a new source of revenue from advertising and service upgrades. MailCentro provides a fully branded email interface that uses your logo, color scheme and text style. Your site name is used as the email address. These features help promote your brand. The email login is integrated with your site. This generates additional site traffic each time a user access their email account. We can integrate the registration and login functions with your current site login function making it easier to gather demographic information about your users. To help you reach your users, we reserve banners and side-bars for your advertisements. You may sell this space to generate additional revenue. Our email manager lets you quickly and easily distribute promotional messges to your users. You may also add a promotional message to each outgoing email message. 
As a Social Networking site, we want to promote our brand but also support interest group identities. As with consumer marketing, our private-label service will effectively promote your brand. Our unique "subdomain" feature gives you an effective tool to promote the identity of your individual special interest groups. Let's say your overall site objective is to serve the classic car enthusiast. With MailCentro service, you could easily offer email service for or Each service could be customized to incorporate a unique identity while maintaining your overall look and feel.
We are starting a latin music fan club. Can we afford email now? MailCentro serves thousands of clubs and organizations, from start up to quite large. In addition to a low start up cost, we have a "page builder" feature that might let you put off paying for a domain and a website until your membership grows. We support several language versions as a user preference to help you broaden your membership appeal. You may be able to offset the cost of the service entirely through use of the advertising opportunities available on our service.
Email support is stealing the profits from my Internet Service Provider business.
User requirements for better email service and the ongoing battle to protect users from SPAM and viruses drive up development and customer support costs. Our goal is to offload these costs from you while leaving you with control of your customer base. We provide you with administrative tools so that you can monitor the important elements of our email service while we do the work on your behalf. Since "basic" email is usually a cost item for the ISP, we offer an inexpensive basic service. We also give you the opportunity to market "service upgrades" on a revenue-sharing basis to offset the cost of the basic service.
Security is a key concern for my corporate users. Providing email service for your "road warriors" creates a security nightmare. MailCentro helps you solve this by providing a secure socket for accessing email from a web interface. This security is also available for your PDA users and those that access email through POP or IMAP connections. If you are just not comfortable outsourcing email processing, why not let us scrub your email stream for SPAM and viruses before it arrives at your router? This eliminates the single largest headache for corporate email service.
My corporate email service is too complicated to outsource Corporate email service can be a nightmare of options. Individual departments want a separate identity. Travellers want web and pda support. Some users want webmail; others want to use Outlook. MailCentro supports your domains and sub-domains making it a simple task to set up service for Each sub-domain may have its own look-and-feel. MailCentro supports webmail, pda delivery, POP, IMAP and SMTP. We also offer multi-language support. Whatever your configuration, we can probably support it.
Let us show you how quick and inexpensive it is to implement our email service. Get an Instant Quote by filling in the form in the right margin or CONTACT US directly. We look forward to hearing from you.